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Terms and Conditions
By enrolling your child at Berzerk Productions, you accept the terms and conditions of the signed enrolment form or online digital signature as a rolling agreement.
The rolling agreement is made between the parent/guardian of each student and Berzerk Productions and is valid at all times whilst the student is enrolled at our classes and until such time as written notice (please see section 7) is given.
- Termly Fees are invoiced at the start of term, and must be paid in full for each term within 14 days. If fees are not paid, the student may be denied tuition at Berzerk. A term is usually 10 weeks in length. Occasionally Berzerk may have to cancel a class; if this should happen then the missed class will be added to the end of the current term. Should a class fall on a bank holiday then a replacement class will also be added onto the end of the current term.
- Where a customer has been granted a weekly payment agreement, a full term’s fees will remain payable.
- Where a discount is given this will only stand within the 14 day payment after the start of term.
- Late Fee Payment Charge: Where an invoice has been issued and payment is not received 14 days after the term starts an administrative charge of £20 may be added to your account. This is because chasing late payments takes up a considerable amount of time. We have introduced the late payment charge so that only late payers have to pay for the time it takes to chase their payment; we feel this is the fairer than adding an extra fee to all invoices. We remain grateful to the majority of people who pay promptly.
- Late Pick-Up Fee Payment Charge: Where a child has been picked up late once the class has finished a charge of 50p per minute may be added to your account. This is because staff may have other work commitments. We have introduced the late pick-up fee to encourage parents to pick up their children on time; as staff are self-employed, we believe it is fair they are compensated for any additional time spent working. We remain grateful to the majority of people who pick-up the child on time.
- Where failure to make payment on your account occurs, after reasonable reminders and requests for payment, our policy is to pass the debt to a specialised debt agency to collect the payment on our behalf. Please note, this will incur further collection costs that will added to your account.
- Berzerk Productions aims to provide the services advertised on all classes falling within the advertised term dates. We retain the right to change the advertised programme of classes/productions in the event of illness or other circumstances beyond our control.
- Notice, in writing, of one complete term must be given if leaving the classes in order to terminate this agreement. Notice of 10 weeks of classes must be given should you wish to change the programme of classes being taken. Even if the student is unable to attend Berzerk Productions until the completion of the notice period, the fees remain due. Failure to provide written notice will mean that your fees for that term will remain due even though your child may not be attending class. This is to secure our classes and provide the budgets for our projects with young people.
- No refunds are given for times when the student does not attend classes or for dates that are cancelled due to events or circumstances beyond our control.
- Uniform must be worn by all students whenever they attend classes or events Berzerk Productions. Details of the current uniform can be obtained by contacting the office.
- The parent/guardian gives permission for Berzerk Productions to use images of the student in publicity materials. Should the parent/guardian wish the student to be excluded from publicity materials then this must be put in writing to Berzerk Productions.
- Private classes are run for ten week terms, three times a year.
- School terms vary slightly on amount of classes per term. Please check with your respective school.
- We recommend staying a minimum of three terms to see the benefits of our coaching.
- Term fees are issued on the first week of the new term and the invoice to be paid within 14 days (or an admin fee of £20 may be added).
- We require a terms notice in writing to withdraw from class as per the original contract/agreement signed by parents on enrolment. Failure to do so may result in a further terms fees being invoiced. This is to secure our budgets for the projects through the year. Please communicate with us if your child wishes to withdraw from class.
- We encourage students to participate in all projects and/or events in order to increase their tuition in the performing arts.
- We encourage students to audition for non Berzerk projects locally.
- No refunds are possible for classes missed or not attended.
- LAMDA students will have extra LAMDA exam costs invoiced for any LAMDA exams taken.
- Show fees are payable on the first rehearsal and no refunds are applicable if your child wishes to leave the project.
- Please see our separate polices for safeguarding children and social media on the site here.
Berzerk Productions have a ‘3 Step System’ regarding disruptive/inappropriate behaviour. If a student’s behaviour is consistent; is making it difficult to provide a calm and safe environment for others; and/or impacts the coaching of other students, the following 3 Step system will be adhered to:
- The student will be given a verbal warning and explanation about why their behaviour is unacceptable.
- If the behaviour continues, students will be asked to take some time out of the session and have a discussion with a coach, where possible and/or necessary. Parents/carers will be informed at the end of the session and/or via email.
- In the unlikely event that the behaviour persists, Berzerk Productions reserve the right to suspend the student from classes on a temporary or permanent basis.